Congratulations Whitney Miles and Jake Boggs – Team Midwest !
The 2016 United States Youth Nationals, such an inspiring horse show held specifically for young exhibitors, that truly captures the future of the Arabian horse in America. Midwest was proud to attend this year with two of their finest that are certain to make an impact on our breed for many years to come, Ms. Whitney Miles & Mr. Jake Boggs. Whitney expertly presented the reining Scottsdale Champion 3 yr. old champion mare MC Vitoria to the Reserve National Championship mare achievement at the Youth Nationals in Oklahoma. MC Vitoria is owned by Oak Ridge Arabians & The Weegen’s Family. The 10 yr. old Jake Boggs presented Anna Marie BHF to her crowned victory of the 2016 United States National Championship Mare for her owners, the Marino family and Oak Ridge Arabians. Jake also presented with delight, his own Half Arabian Stock Hunter mare Rohara Mademoiselle and brought home The Reserve National Championship victory in the Half Arabian mare class. Noting, that it was youngest Boggs first entry into the national halter arena . Team Midwest is extremely proud of these young talented horseman, and are already looking forward to the halter classes of the 2017 Scottsdale Show. Both handlers under the tutelage of Midwest halter trainer Alcides Rodrigous
Thank you to the Arabian Horse Times for their interview of our Youth National Contenders:
Here is what Jake had to say:
If my horse were an Olympic athlete, it would be …
Anna Marie BHF would be a Runner because she is very fast with great motion! During our Region 7 & Scottsdale victory passes I had to run very fast to keep up with her! Rohara Mademoiselle would be a great gymnast because similar to Anna she has great motion, she is elegant and takes her time.
Other types of off-horses activities I have found to be helpful to my showing over the years are…
The most helpful part of showing for me is the support I get from Team Midwest
The biggest challenge I have faced while showing Arabian horses is…
My trotting entrance into the arena
The one piece of advice I would share with someone who wants to start showing would be…
Don’t be arrogant try your best. Having fun is more important that winning. Its better to go in and know that you will have a great time and winning is just a bonus.
My most embarrassing moment in the show ring was…
There are now embarrassing moments, I am very proud of my horses no matter what happens.
In regards to showing, the most influential person in my life is…
David Boggs! I am a 5th generation Arabian breeder and I hope to manage the Midwest farm one day!
To prepare for a horse show, I …
Practice & train with my horses. I also have to make sure I have a new suit for Youth Nationals!
Anna Marie BHF
(Marwan Al Shaqab x BHF Anna Tevkah)
Youth Nationals CHAMPION Arabian Mare JTH
Owned by The Marino Family
Presented by Jake Boggs
MC Vitoria
(Vitorio TO x Angelinaa JD)
Youth Nationals RESERVE CHAMPION Arabian Mare JTH
Owned by Oak Ridge Arabians & The Weegens
Presented by Whitney Miles
Rohara Mademoiselle
Sir Fames HBV x Fames Fantasy of Love)
Youth Nationals RESERVE CHAMPION Half-Arabian Mare JTH
Owned & Presented by Jake Boggs